Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Big Bad Parvo Attack on Our New Labrador Pup

(This particular event happened 5 months ago.)

She sports a caramel colored skin, anxious eyes but in ready to defend state, eats like a king, barks when being photographed, but just like any other dog, she loves to be pet.  These I've come to know of during the first 2 days Silva was at home, her new home.

My brother have always wanted a guard dog that's why he really saved to buy a labrador pup. Jewel seems to be the always sweet princess-y kind and my brother yearns to own a real watch dog, the brave and sporty kind so he decided to purchase a labrador pup from a friend's friend who breeds and sells dogs. For the price of Php3500, he finally got one at 2 months old and named her Silva, inspired from the famous Mixed Martial Arts sport fighter of which he is a big fan of. As Jewel seems to be more of a house pet, a partner guard dog is a good option for our family's security. And so one good weekday morning...

Jewel Finally Meets Silva

when 2 year old spitz meets 2 month old lab

Silva was brought to the garden from inside a dog cage. We were all excited as to how our spitz would react  and welcome our new pup. Jewel sniffed around her as it's the very first time she saw another dog inside the lot. Both didn't bark at one another, just curious.